The Overdrive Special amplifier made by Welagen Amplification is designed based on a 70s Overdrive Special circuit and uses two 6L6 power tubes. It has a power rating of 50 watts.
The amplifier comes with a slip cover for the head and cab, which helps to protect it from dust, scratches, and other damages when not in use.
The 1x12 cabinet included with the amplifier features a single 12-inch EV speaker that is rated at 8 ohms. The EV speaker is a high-quality component that is known for its clear, articulate sound and its ability to handle high power levels. The 8-ohm impedance rating of the speaker is well-matched to the amplifier's output, which ensures efficient power transfer and optimal performance.
Overall, the Overdrive Special amplifier and 1x12 cabinet is a great combination for guitar players who want a classic overdrive sound with modern reliability and convenience.