Year: 1953
Serial Number: Chassis-1595. Cabinet- 6124
Transformer Code: Replaced with Hammond 272BX. Output Transformer - PTF22905
Speaker Code: N/A
Tube Chart: CG July 1953
Circuit Model: 5C1
Originality: The chassis and cabinet are not a match, however they are both era correct. The power transformer has been replaced but the output transformer is era correct. The handle has been replaced and power was changed to a 3-prong. The circuit appears to be the original 5C1 circuit.
Service: The amplifier was cleaned and confirmed that all electrical connections were in good condition and not corroding. The amplifier functions has it should.
Playability: This is a low volume amplifier that is perfect for living room jam sessions. It is not painfully loud but will produce a wonderful full tone when cranked up. The small 6" speaker breaks up wonderfully around noon on the sole chicken head knob.